English version:
Ok, if we should situate the stylistic base in some point, then we say that the root of the sound of this surprising Amarna Sky is the Doom Metal. But, following the example of other bands that has deed of this style a than more evolved in the last years (removing him of the apparent dead end where was found in the beginning of the decade), in Rising Heresy the thing goes beyond than traditionally we wait of the genre.
It celebrated pair of musicians (we are speaking of a national band here), still count with some special participations of weight, made by musicians of renown in the international setting, to knowledge: Karl Sanders and Erol Unala. But it is not then that arise the merits of Deni & Aldo, of course. A precise and detailed instrumental, clean and introspective vocals, beyond a proposal - fortunately - eccentric, constitute the registered trademark here.
The rhythmic and introspective climate of the compositions remits us, as already said, to the Doom. However, such "climate" is the only bond, and the experimentalism reigns during all the album, bringing also strong connection with the Prog. But the ingredients not pairs thereabouts. It would be able to be said that we have here an Avantgard Metal with references Doom/Folk/Ambient/Prog/Epic, more or less in the line in that acts the big Summoning. The difference is that, in Rising Heresy, the (strong) baroque inclinations remit to the Egyptian folklore.
More than inclinations, goes. The old Egyptian culture consists, in fact, in the nucleus of all the thematic inspiration and full spring of the present exotic elements in the sound of the Amarna Sky - fact that generates several deliciously unusual passages. A big revelation of the Brazilian setting!
Rate: 9,0 - By Alessandro Alskyer
Portuguese version:
Ok, se temos que situar a base estilística em algum ponto, então digamos que a raiz do som deste surpreendente Amarna Sky é o Doom Metal. Mas, a exemplo de outras bandas que tem feito deste estilo um dos que mais evoluíram no últimos anos (tirando-o do aparente beco sem saída onde se encontrava no início da década), em Rising Heresy a coisa vai além do que tradicionalmente se espera do gênero.
A festejada dupla de músicos (estamos falando de uma banda nacional aqui), ainda conta com algumas participações especiais de peso, feitas por músicos de renome no cenário internacional, a saber: Karl Sanders e Erol Unala. Mas não é daí que surgem os méritos de Deni & Aldo, claro. Um instrumental preciso e detalhado, vocais limpos e introspectivos, além de uma proposta - felizmente - excêntrica, constituem a marca registrada por aqui.
O clima introspectivo e cadenciado das composições nos remete, como já dito, ao Doom. Entretanto, tal "clima" é o único vínculo, e o experimentalismo impera ao longo de todo o play, trazendo também forte conexão com o Prog. Mas os ingredientes não param por aí. Poderia-se dizer que temos aqui um Avantgard Metal com referências Doom/Folk/Ambient/Prog/Epic, mais ou menos na linha em que atua o grande Summoning. A diferença é que, em Rising Heresy, as (fortes) inclinações barrocas remetem ao folclore egípcio.
Mais que inclinações, vai. A cultura egípcia antiga consiste, na verdade, no núcleo de toda a inspiração temática e fonte plena dos elementos exóticos presentes no som do Amarna Sky - fato que gera várias passagens deliciosamente inusitadas. Uma grande revelação do cenário tupiniquim!
Nota: 9,0 - Por Alessandro Alskyer
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Review na Rock Underground Magazine
English Version:
This yes, we´re be able to say that is a pharaonic band! Egyptian metal! Slow Doom Metal with mummy grooves! And made in Brazil, with worthy production of first world and compositions idem! Of all the bands that I heard until today that portray the Egypt, inside Metal and Dark, Amarna Sky perhaps be the one that portrays it more faithfully. Devastating as the sands of the Sahara Desert, claustrophobiating as be prisoner inside a pyramid, frightening as a mummy leaving a sarcophagus! Travels with Rising Heresy reading the book The Secret Egypt by Paul Brunton. Still featuring the specials appearances of Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost and Apollyon Sun (band of Tom Gabriel Warrior, mentor of Hellhammer and Celtic Frost)) and Karl Sanders (Nile)! Delight yourself with this unmissable release! 9,0.
Portuguese Version:
Esta sim, podemos dizer que se trata de uma banda faraônica! Metal egípcio! Doom Metal lento, com levadas múmicas! E feito aqui no Brasil, com produção digna de primeiro mundo e composições idem! De todas as bandas que ouvi até hoje que retratem o Egito, dentro do Metal e do Dark, talvez seja essa a que retrate mais fielmente. Devastador que nem as areias do deserto do Saara, claustrofobiante como estar preso dentro de uma pirâmide, assustador quanto uma múmia saindo de um sarcófago! Viaje com Rising Heresy lendo o livro O Egito Secreto de Paul Brunton. Ainda conta com participações especiais de Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost e Apollyon Sun (banda de Tom Gabriel Warrior, mentor do Hellhammer e Celtic Frost)) e Karl Sanders (Nile)! Deleite-se com este petardo! 9,0.
This yes, we´re be able to say that is a pharaonic band! Egyptian metal! Slow Doom Metal with mummy grooves! And made in Brazil, with worthy production of first world and compositions idem! Of all the bands that I heard until today that portray the Egypt, inside Metal and Dark, Amarna Sky perhaps be the one that portrays it more faithfully. Devastating as the sands of the Sahara Desert, claustrophobiating as be prisoner inside a pyramid, frightening as a mummy leaving a sarcophagus! Travels with Rising Heresy reading the book The Secret Egypt by Paul Brunton. Still featuring the specials appearances of Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost and Apollyon Sun (band of Tom Gabriel Warrior, mentor of Hellhammer and Celtic Frost)) and Karl Sanders (Nile)! Delight yourself with this unmissable release! 9,0.
Portuguese Version:
Esta sim, podemos dizer que se trata de uma banda faraônica! Metal egípcio! Doom Metal lento, com levadas múmicas! E feito aqui no Brasil, com produção digna de primeiro mundo e composições idem! De todas as bandas que ouvi até hoje que retratem o Egito, dentro do Metal e do Dark, talvez seja essa a que retrate mais fielmente. Devastador que nem as areias do deserto do Saara, claustrofobiante como estar preso dentro de uma pirâmide, assustador quanto uma múmia saindo de um sarcófago! Viaje com Rising Heresy lendo o livro O Egito Secreto de Paul Brunton. Ainda conta com participações especiais de Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost e Apollyon Sun (banda de Tom Gabriel Warrior, mentor do Hellhammer e Celtic Frost)) e Karl Sanders (Nile)! Deleite-se com este petardo! 9,0.
Faixa título de "Rising Heresy" é executada em Rádio na Holanda
English Version:
On May, 29, a episode of Zaans Metaal was air at Zaan Radio (Holland), around 22:00 hrs CET, and Amarna Sky was featured with the track "Rising Heresy". www.zaanradio.nl
Portuguese Version:
No dia 29 de maio, um episódio do programa chamado Zaans Metal foi ao ar na rádio Zaan Radio - Holanda, às 22:00 hs, e o Amarna Sky foi uma das bandas escolhidas com a execução da faixa "Rising Heresy". www.zaanradio.nl
On May, 29, a episode of Zaans Metaal was air at Zaan Radio (Holland), around 22:00 hrs CET, and Amarna Sky was featured with the track "Rising Heresy". www.zaanradio.nl
Portuguese Version:
No dia 29 de maio, um episódio do programa chamado Zaans Metal foi ao ar na rádio Zaan Radio - Holanda, às 22:00 hs, e o Amarna Sky foi uma das bandas escolhidas com a execução da faixa "Rising Heresy". www.zaanradio.nl
Review na Rock Hard Valhalla de Junho
English Version:
"Amarna Sky is a project of the drummer Deni G. Pierroni - a Metal scene veteran from San Paulo - the man that created all the music and atmosphere of "Rising Heresy", showing an excellent musical technique..."
"...The album is very heavy, with a lot of great guitar riffs, featuring still with the more than specials appearances of Karl Sanders (Nile) and Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost guitarist)..." 7,0
Portuguese Version:
"O Amarna Sky é um projeto do baterista Deni G. Pierroni - um veterano da cena do interior de São Paulo - o homem que criou todas as melodias e toda a atmosfera de "Rising Heresy", mostrando uma excelente técnica musical..."
"... O disco é bem pesado e carregado de ótimos riffs de guitarra, contando ainda com as participações mais do que especiais de Karl Sanders (Nile) e Erol Unala (ex-guitarrista do Celtic Frost)..." 7,0
Confira o review completo na revista Rock Hard Valhalla nº 49 de Junho.
"Amarna Sky is a project of the drummer Deni G. Pierroni - a Metal scene veteran from San Paulo - the man that created all the music and atmosphere of "Rising Heresy", showing an excellent musical technique..."
"...The album is very heavy, with a lot of great guitar riffs, featuring still with the more than specials appearances of Karl Sanders (Nile) and Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost guitarist)..." 7,0
Portuguese Version:
"O Amarna Sky é um projeto do baterista Deni G. Pierroni - um veterano da cena do interior de São Paulo - o homem que criou todas as melodias e toda a atmosfera de "Rising Heresy", mostrando uma excelente técnica musical..."
"... O disco é bem pesado e carregado de ótimos riffs de guitarra, contando ainda com as participações mais do que especiais de Karl Sanders (Nile) e Erol Unala (ex-guitarrista do Celtic Frost)..." 7,0
Confira o review completo na revista Rock Hard Valhalla nº 49 de Junho.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Translation from the Obliveon Magazine review (Germany)
RISING HERESY (53:18 min.)
This rather obscure twain-project (bandfounder Deni G. Perrioni, ex-Deep Sorrow, does both sing and play the drums, while producer Aldo D’Isep plays guitar, bass, and keys) has „Egyptian Themed Doom Metal“ written on its banner. To be sure, Egyptian influences are not new in (Doom) Metal: Solitude Aeturnus, Nile or Melechesh have been experimenting with Sumerian-Egyptian scales or melodies for quite a while. The instrumentation of the songs sometimes sounds as if John Perez had put his signature to Nile’s more doomy compositions, such as „Sarcophagus“ (listen to „Eclipsed Spirituality“ oder „Genemesis“). Not surprisingly, then, the six-string extravaganza of Nile-mastermind Karl Sanders can be heard on „Beyond the Horizon (Legacy of Light).“ A guest-appearance by Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost and -Apollyon Sun) likewise speaks volumes about the band’s influences (titletrack or „Blind Row“). Sometimes the not too easily accessible songs, most often thicker than the Nile, are counterbalanced by belligerent soundscapes („Per Aten“ und „Femininity’s Pride“) which invest „Rising Heresy“ with an almost mystic note. The album’s climax is, without the shadow of a doubt, the relentlessly grooving „Divine Glory,“ a song that highlights the Power Doom-component in the sound of Amarna Sky. Mattias Norén having created the artwork of this nicely produced debut means: no worries here. All this means that Amarna Sky have made a promising impact in the Doom-world as „Rising Heresy“ presents multiple beautiful, atmospherically charged moments for Doomheads. Those interested in the CD and the concept behind „Rising Heresy“ ought to lend an eye to http://www.amarnasky.blogspot.com or http://www.myspace.com/amarnasky
7,5/10 Patrick Müller
This rather obscure twain-project (bandfounder Deni G. Perrioni, ex-Deep Sorrow, does both sing and play the drums, while producer Aldo D’Isep plays guitar, bass, and keys) has „Egyptian Themed Doom Metal“ written on its banner. To be sure, Egyptian influences are not new in (Doom) Metal: Solitude Aeturnus, Nile or Melechesh have been experimenting with Sumerian-Egyptian scales or melodies for quite a while. The instrumentation of the songs sometimes sounds as if John Perez had put his signature to Nile’s more doomy compositions, such as „Sarcophagus“ (listen to „Eclipsed Spirituality“ oder „Genemesis“). Not surprisingly, then, the six-string extravaganza of Nile-mastermind Karl Sanders can be heard on „Beyond the Horizon (Legacy of Light).“ A guest-appearance by Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost and -Apollyon Sun) likewise speaks volumes about the band’s influences (titletrack or „Blind Row“). Sometimes the not too easily accessible songs, most often thicker than the Nile, are counterbalanced by belligerent soundscapes („Per Aten“ und „Femininity’s Pride“) which invest „Rising Heresy“ with an almost mystic note. The album’s climax is, without the shadow of a doubt, the relentlessly grooving „Divine Glory,“ a song that highlights the Power Doom-component in the sound of Amarna Sky. Mattias Norén having created the artwork of this nicely produced debut means: no worries here. All this means that Amarna Sky have made a promising impact in the Doom-world as „Rising Heresy“ presents multiple beautiful, atmospherically charged moments for Doomheads. Those interested in the CD and the concept behind „Rising Heresy“ ought to lend an eye to http://www.amarnasky.blogspot.com or http://www.myspace.com/amarnasky
7,5/10 Patrick Müller
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Entrevista com o Amarna Sky na Rock Hard Valhalla
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Special Guests Words
Karl Sanders:
"The CD is beautiful. I think you guys did an incredible job with the packaging and liners and art and everything.
I really like the its got some great heavy doom feel and a special, interesting musicality."
Erol Unala:
"The CD itself turned out to be really good IMHO, so many great ideas are packed in those songs...respect!
And Karls leads are top notch too! I hope the CD will be a success!"
"The CD is beautiful. I think you guys did an incredible job with the packaging and liners and art and everything.
I really like the its got some great heavy doom feel and a special, interesting musicality."
Erol Unala:
"The CD itself turned out to be really good IMHO, so many great ideas are packed in those songs...respect!
And Karls leads are top notch too! I hope the CD will be a success!"
Dagheisha Review (Italy)
Italian Version:
Nemmeno il tempo di reagire allo strabordante ritorno degli Aghora che mi imbatto in questo nuovo progetto brasiliano denominato Amarna Sky. Il doom metal proposto da Deni G. Pierroni si muove con passo lento e inesorabile tra influenze esotiche e l'amore per l'antico Egitto.La suggestiva cover di Mattias Noren e i riferimenti dei testi all'antica città di Akhetaten (adesso conosciuta come Tell-El-Amarna) contribuiscono al crescendo mistico al quale si viene sottoposti entrando nei cupi paesaggi doom della band attraversati di volta in volta da influenze industrial e prog. L'inevitabile accusa di anacronismo che potrebbe essere imputata a 'Rising Heresy' dovrà necessariamente scontrarsi con l'impressionante solidità epico-morale di un gruppo che si avvale di preziose collaborazioni per elevare il tasso tecnico del disco. E' il caso di Erol Unala che ricorderete nei Celtic Frost e negli Apollyon Sun. Suo l'assolo della title track. Considerati i riferimenti alla cultura e alla storia egiziana non poteva poi mancare Karl Sanders dei Nile che illumina con la sua sprezzante foga agonistica 'Beyond The Horizon'. Ignorance is a dark cloud that hides the sun...
English Version:
Not even the time of to react the strabordante I return some Aghora that I bump into myself in this new Brazilian project named Amarna Sky. The doom metal proposed from Deni G. Pierroni is moved with slow and inexorable step between exotic flus and the love for the ancient Egypt. The evocative cover of Mattias Noren and the references of the texts to the ancient Akhetaten (now known like Tell-El-Amarna) contribute to the growing mystical to which comes submitted entering in the dark landscapes doom of the band go through of time in. The inevitable accusation of anachronism that could be attributed to 'Rising Heresy' to meet itself with it impressing of a group that it is made use of of precious collaborations to raise the technical rate of the disk. And a matter of Erol Unala that you will remember in the Celtic Frost and in the Apollyon Sun. Its the solo of the title track. Considered the references to the culture and to the egyptian story did not be able then be lacking Karl Sanders of the Nile that illuminates with its scornful competitive ardor 'Beyond The Horizon'. Ignorance is a dark cloud that hides the sun...
Nemmeno il tempo di reagire allo strabordante ritorno degli Aghora che mi imbatto in questo nuovo progetto brasiliano denominato Amarna Sky. Il doom metal proposto da Deni G. Pierroni si muove con passo lento e inesorabile tra influenze esotiche e l'amore per l'antico Egitto.La suggestiva cover di Mattias Noren e i riferimenti dei testi all'antica città di Akhetaten (adesso conosciuta come Tell-El-Amarna) contribuiscono al crescendo mistico al quale si viene sottoposti entrando nei cupi paesaggi doom della band attraversati di volta in volta da influenze industrial e prog. L'inevitabile accusa di anacronismo che potrebbe essere imputata a 'Rising Heresy' dovrà necessariamente scontrarsi con l'impressionante solidità epico-morale di un gruppo che si avvale di preziose collaborazioni per elevare il tasso tecnico del disco. E' il caso di Erol Unala che ricorderete nei Celtic Frost e negli Apollyon Sun. Suo l'assolo della title track. Considerati i riferimenti alla cultura e alla storia egiziana non poteva poi mancare Karl Sanders dei Nile che illumina con la sua sprezzante foga agonistica 'Beyond The Horizon'. Ignorance is a dark cloud that hides the sun...
English Version:
Not even the time of to react the strabordante I return some Aghora that I bump into myself in this new Brazilian project named Amarna Sky. The doom metal proposed from Deni G. Pierroni is moved with slow and inexorable step between exotic flus and the love for the ancient Egypt. The evocative cover of Mattias Noren and the references of the texts to the ancient Akhetaten (now known like Tell-El-Amarna) contribute to the growing mystical to which comes submitted entering in the dark landscapes doom of the band go through of time in. The inevitable accusation of anachronism that could be attributed to 'Rising Heresy' to meet itself with it impressing of a group that it is made use of of precious collaborations to raise the technical rate of the disk. And a matter of Erol Unala that you will remember in the Celtic Frost and in the Apollyon Sun. Its the solo of the title track. Considered the references to the culture and to the egyptian story did not be able then be lacking Karl Sanders of the Nile that illuminates with its scornful competitive ardor 'Beyond The Horizon'. Ignorance is a dark cloud that hides the sun...
Friday, March 23, 2007
What people are saying about "Rising Heresy"?

English version
"... What we encounter upon listening this debut album is a Doom Metal of high quality with influences of typical melodies and rythms of Oriental Music..."
"...No doubt "Rising Heresy" is a inaugurating of respect to Amarna Sky and gives us a great expectation to a next release." 8,0
See the full review on Roadie Crew magazine, issue 98 - March/07.
Portuguese version
"... O que nos deparamos ao ouvir este álbum de estréia é um Doom Metal de muita qualidade com influências de melodias e ritmos típicos da música oriental..."
"... Sem dúvidas "Rising Heresy" é uma estréia de respeito para o Amarna Sky e cria uma grande expectativa para um próximo lançamento." 8,0
Confira o review completo na revista Roadie Crew, edição 98 - Março/07.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Amarna Sky debut album out now!
English version
"Rising Heresy" available now in Brazil through Anubis Music! You can make your order at Hellion Records: www.hellionrecords.com.br For more informations send an e-mail to pedidos@hellionrecords.com
Shopkeepers also can make your orders at Hellion or at A Universal: www.auniversalonline.com.br
The album will be available for international orders from January, 30, at CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com
Portuguese version:
"Rising Heresy" disponível agora no Brasil através da Anubis Music! Você pode fazer o seu pedido na Hellion Records: www.hellionrecords.com.br Para maiores informações envie um e-mail para pedidos@hellionrecords.com
Lojistas também podem fazer seus pedidos na Hellion ou na A Universal: www.auniversalonline.com.br
O álbum estará disponível para pedidos internacionais a partir de 30 de Janeiro, na CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com
"Rising Heresy" available now in Brazil through Anubis Music! You can make your order at Hellion Records: www.hellionrecords.com.br For more informations send an e-mail to pedidos@hellionrecords.com
Shopkeepers also can make your orders at Hellion or at A Universal: www.auniversalonline.com.br
The album will be available for international orders from January, 30, at CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com
Portuguese version:
"Rising Heresy" disponível agora no Brasil através da Anubis Music! Você pode fazer o seu pedido na Hellion Records: www.hellionrecords.com.br Para maiores informações envie um e-mail para pedidos@hellionrecords.com
Lojistas também podem fazer seus pedidos na Hellion ou na A Universal: www.auniversalonline.com.br
O álbum estará disponível para pedidos internacionais a partir de 30 de Janeiro, na CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com
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